Special Guests visit
Welcoming guests from a local assisted living facility is my favorite way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
Family visits are our bread and butter
Family visits are our bread and butter. This funny expression means our main, steady source of income to feed our animals at Cheyne Ranch is the family appointments where we share our animals with one family at a time!
And by family, we welcome every imaginable type of family and small friend group! Heck, we've even had family members come together who don't even like each other
Support local, small, agricultural businesses and bring the kids for some outdoor non-screen learning time. I'll happily tell you about other outdoor opportunities for family fun too!
Happy 2021
Hold your head up partner, 2020 just bit the dust. The new year is here, it's 2021 or bust!
Lucky us! Look who is helping us offer family & small group visits at Cheyne Ranch - our friend Brynn! She is delightful, responsible, knowledgeable, a lover of animals, kids, even reptiles, and way more fun than me. Brynn will be helping on weekends and we are so excited!
More scarlett
She is lovely! Half arabian, half trakehner, born on May 26, 2008. Welcome to the herd Scarlett!
Welcome Scarlett
I woke up this morning like a kid on Christmas morning! I have been so excited to welcome this lovely mare to Cheyne Ranch! Scarlett is such a beautiful warmblood / arab cross. She has been a mama for 2 babies the last 3 years, and we are going to slowly (slowly) see if she wants to join our horse lovin' nature therapy program here at Cheyne Ranch. Thank you to Robin Cyr @cyrpointstable for allowing us the chance to love on Scarlett. Thank you to Lauren @pitchforkprincess for transporting her for us <3 <3
Scarlett arrived at Cheyne Ranch on October 22, 2020 from Cyr Point Stables. She is a registered Arabian / Trakehner cross and has a famous grandfather named Bask. Her coloring is called dappled grey. From 2016 - 2020, she has delivered and raised 2 babies. Scarlett was born on May 26, 2008 in Wellborn, FL.
Welcome Princess Buttercup!
Look who arrived at Cheyne ranch on Sunday, Feb 16th! We are so lucky to welcome Princess Buttercup into our herd! She is young, adventurous, super people loving and full of spunk. Within 5 minutes of being in our pasture she found an open gate and bolted half mile down the road to a neighbor's barn. It was a village effort to get her back home (the day 1 photos include Princess being very sweaty after quite a sprint, as well as Philip walking her out of the neighbors yard). Thankfully her lovely owner dropping her off was gracious and even helped us get her home after this gate mishap. Thank you to our fabulous neighbor Marian for connecting us with our new miniature, Princess!
Lucy is here!
Lucy arrived at Cheyne Ranch this afternoon! She is about 20 years old, a quarter horse and super relaxed. Welcome to the herd Lucy!
Special thanks Jenna Douglas @ Woodbury Farms for trailering her for us and just being with us this afternoon!