Waiver / Release of Liability
Click here or copy and paste this link into your web browser: https://bit.ly/3CViUjp
Explanation: All animals, including horses are unpredictable and possibly dangerous. There is an inherent risk of being around animals, being outside in nature and being in the barn. As with most organizations, a list or expectations, safety rules and a waiver / release of liability is required prior to beginning activities at Cheyne Ranch.
WaiverSign: We utilize an online program called WaiverSign and the document needs to be completed and signed once a year.
Time Commitment: The document can be completed from your computer, smart phone, tablet or from our tablet at Cheyne Ranch. Please allow approximately 10 minutes to carefully read and complete the document.
There are 6 parts to this document:
Expectations (agree and initial)
Safety Rules (agree and initial)
Waiver / Release of Liability (agree and initial)
Liability Insurance
Photo Release (Accept or Decline)
Last but not Least
Click here or copy and paste this link into your web browser: https://bit.ly/3CViUjp
Below is a PREVIEW ONLY.
You cannot sign the waiver until you are on the waiversign website
1. EXPECTATIONS: As the adult supervising and participating in this experience, my initials below indicate my understanding and agreement to the following expectations:
CHEYNE FAMILY: Cheyne Ranch, Inc., is a family ranch with our personal family owned animals. We work and volunteer here because we are sincerely dedicated to our mission of sharing this experience for educational, therapeutic and recreational purposes. Patience, kindness and respect is expected from everyone.
CLOSED-TOED SHOES: Closed toed shoes or Boots are required, old sneakers are great! NO sandals or flip flops. This helps keep your feet unpecked, unstomped, unswarmed by fire ants, and somewhat manure and dirt free.
TREATS: Feeding the animals is a very fun activity, however for the safety of our animals, guests can only feed pre-approved treats with the permission and supervision of a Cheyne Ranch worker.
RAIN or SHINE: We can spend time meeting and grooming the horses rain or shine; however, time outside the barn including the pony / horse rides will be dependent on weather and are at the owner’s discretion.
2. SAFETY RULES: Our animals are people loving and accustomed to many types of activity. However, they are still animals who can be unpredictable, especially when they sense stress or danger. For everyone's safety, we strive to keep our guests and animals feeling safe which means the following:
CALMNESS around Animals: practice calm voices, walking feet and attentive listening when sharing close space with the animals.
BEHAVIOR: Just as humans have differing abilities, preferences & tolerances to sensory stimuli, so do animals. For everyone's safety, if we see something causing an animal discomfort or harm, we may ask the person initiating the behavior to step away.
ARM’S REACH for Ages 4 & under: Any child(ren) age 4 & under need to remain within arm’s reach of their parent / supervising adult
SAFETY HELMETS: Equestrian ASTM/SEI approved helmets are required & provided for anyone riding a horse or pony. We provide these equestrian safety helmets. Unfortunately other helmets such as bike, skateboard or other sport helmets are not sufficient and will not be allowed.
3. Waiver / Release of Liability: I, undersigned, am fully aware and fully understand that all animals including horses can be unpredictable and dangerous. I am voluntarily participating in these activities and/or voluntarily allowing my child’s participation with knowledge of the danger involved. I assume full responsibility for any and all risks of injury, death or property damage.
Injury / death of human: I understand that being in the vicinity, and/or riding horses or ponies is a potentially dangerous activity / sport. I understand that serious injury or death is possible. I realize injury or death is possible even while under professional training or instruction.
Injury / death of animal including horse: I am aware that serious injury or death of the animal, horse or pony is possible at any time even while under professional training or instruction.
Owners / Volunteers / Employees: I release Cheyne Ranch, its owners, workers, volunteers, and employees from all liability for damage to my property, injuries or death of my children, my animals, or myself.
Permission for Medical Treatment: Cheyne Ranch, its owners, volunteers, and employees have my permission to authorize emergency medical treatment by qualified medical personnel for my children or myself, and veterinary treatment by qualified veterinary personnel for my animals (only in the event a parent, guardian or other responsible party is not available to authorize such treatment).
4. Equine liability insurance
Cheyne Ranch carries commercial liability insurance in compliance with our professional certification with PATH Intl. This insurance protects our ranch from liability claims.
Please note: Cheyne Ranch, and the Cheyne family do not cover medical expenses for injuries. Due to the inherent risks of activities in agricultural settings and with equines, participants assume personal responsibility for medical costs. This is also in compliance with the Florida Equine Activities Liability Act, which limits the liability of equine professionals for injuries or death.
5. Photo Release
I agree to allow photos of me and / or my children to appear on the Cheyne Ranch website, Facebook page or other online and / or printed media. Cheyne Ranch does not include first or last names of children when posting photos.
6. Last but not least
I have carefully read each bullet point listed above and understand its contents. I am fully aware of the legal consequences of signing this Waiver / Release of Liability.
Click here or copy and paste this link into your web browser: https://bit.ly/3CViUjp