Birthday parties!!
We love hosting small, laid back outdoor birthday parties and they are a great way to support our nonprofit mission to help kids and adults of all abilities learn care and connection with animals!
Our parties take place on our playground, and each guest will enjoy their time playing, then a 45(ish) minute fun learning experience we call a BARN TOUR! This is where we meet and spend time with our 10 horses, 12 bunnies, 3 goats and (who knows how many) chickens!
Each guest (age 21 and younger) has the option to ride on a horse or pony for a hand-led walk!
You provide the food and drinks, whether it is a full meal, delivered pizza, small snacks, or whatever you want, it usually involves cake too! May parties bring a pinata too! Your party time here will go by fast, and the best part it is outside in nature with horses! goats! chickens! and bunnies!
Cheyne Ranch started hosting birthday parties in 2020, as an extension of our education and therapy services to our students with special needs. We wanted our students to have a familiar and welcoming place to celebrate their birthday.
Now, we host about 50 birthday parties a year for our local community and they are so much fun!
DURATION: After hosting over 200 parties in the past 4 years, we have determined happy families and guests enjoy parties on our property for the magical number: 3 hours! We have attempted 2 hour parties, but there isn’t enough time and people stay 3 hours anyway. We have extended the party time to 4 hours occasionally, but most guests left right around the 3 hour mark. There is something magical about that 3 hour number.
WHEN: Parties are usually scheduled for Saturdays or Sundays. We limit our parties to only one party each weekend, so please reserve early!
SATURDAY Parties start at 12:00 or 12:30
SUNDAY Parties start at 10:00 AM or 11:00 AM
COST: Parties at Cheyne Ranch are a minimum of $400 for the first 12 kids, and $20 for each kid after 12 kids. A kid is anyone between 24 months - 21 years. Adults are free! There are a maximum of 24(ish) kids.
Please contact me if there will be more than 24, we may be able to make special arrangements)
Ready to Reserve? or have questions?
Contact owner, Sally Ann Cheyne with any questions
OR! Visit this website to request birthday party email contract!
FORMS: All visitors must complete the waiver, as well as agreements to expectations and safety prior to your visit. Waiver located here