Summer at Cheyne Ranch!

  • Its our 6th year of offering summer camps!! They are similar to our nature club!

  • For Ages 5 - 11, other ages please contact me

  • Each day we will be learning about horses with hands-on grooming, feeding, haltering, leading and caring for the horse

  • Each day we will also learn about animal care skills, barn chores, and take a nature walk.

  • We have outdoor games, animal learning and crafts planned.

  • We eat lunch together on the playground each day

  • We swim from 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM each day (weather permitting)

  • Focus of summer camp is on caring for horses UNmounted. This is NOT a riding lesson camp. We will be teaching some basic riding skills as each kid takes a short walk on the horse each day.

  • Link to photo album with highlights from last summer: google photos

Summer Camps 2025

  • 4! different weeks offered

  • Each week the camp is TUESDAY - THURSDAY (3 days)

    9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

  • DATES: TUES WED THURS |  9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Week 1: Tues 6.3, Wed 6.4, Thurs 6.5

Week 2: Tues 6.17, Wed 6.18, Thurs 6.19

Week 3: Tues 7.1, Wed 7.2, Thurs 7.3

Week 4: Tues 7.15, Wed 7.16, Thurs 7.17

FRIDAY NATURE CLUB: every Friday in June & July |  9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

WHAT: A Farm Summer Camp - focus on Nature & Animals

WHO: Kids! Age 5 - 11 (other ages contact me)

WHEN: TUESDAYs - THURDAYs - 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

COST: $165 each week + $55 for each Fridays

RATIO: 4 students to every 1 adult / paid teenager

REGISTER: online registration (Scroll down)

QUESTIONS: contact owner, Sally via email or text

More Details:

Summer Camp Main 1.jpg
  • Please bring each day:

    • Boots or sneakers (no crocs, sandals or flip flops please)

    • Lunch and snacks for eating at our playground picnic table (fridge available)

    • Refillable water bottle (filtered cold water available to refill)

    • Towel, sun screen, dry change of clothes, swimsuit under clothes for washing ponies

  • Fine Print:

    • Signed waiver required by start of first day (

    • We welcome many special needs! Please talk with me about your child’s unique needs so we can discuss if our camp is a good fit for your child!

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