December mid-month NEWS!!

Yay for Kiwi! She has her spay surgery scheduled!

πŸ– 🀝 Thank you for your generous donations for Kiwi's Spay Surgery!

We were able to schedule Kiwi's spay surgery at the University of Florida Large Animal Hospital for Monday, December 23rd. We will drive her 2 hours north to Gainsville, FL early Monday morning and pick her up on Wednesday or Thursday of that same week. The expected cost is about $1,800. Your donations mean so much - Kiwi is SO SWEET and we are so glad she will be a safe part of Cheyne Ranch.

Holiday Drop-off!

πŸŽ„πŸ’ Do your kids need some farm time? πŸ’πŸŽ„
🐐 Its kind of like a Kids' Night Out! 🐐
🌞 But it is during the day - on a TUESDAY!! 🌞
🐢 And hosted by Pediatric Occupational Therapist, Tyler Lacertosa 🐢

WHEN: Tues, Dec 24
TIME: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
WHERE: Cheyne Ranch
AGES: 5 - 11 (ask about other ages)

WHAT: Fun at the Farm!

  • Nature Based Crafts

  • Animal & barn care

  • Guided Hike

  • Outdoor games

Register Online:

Winter Break Camp

Yay! We are having a Winter Break camp! These are always so fun! If you are familiar with our programs - each day of camp is similar to a Friday Nature Club (which is a sold out program with a waiting list)

🐐 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
🐐 Dec 31, Jan 1 & Jan 2
🐐 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
🐐 Ages 5 - 11 (age 12 & 13 is 50% off - we have several of them attend - it is volunteer fun!)
🐐 Playground, community time, animal care, nature walk, mounted skill, lunch together, open / free play
🐐 $150 for 3 days ($50 each day x 3 days = $150)
🐐 Eligible for reimbursement for the UA / PEP scholarships

Please visit our website for online registration. Please text with any questions! (407) 205-7744

Fall Semester coming to a close

Our fall semester is coming to a close - we are in the middle of week 16 right now!

**I never know whether to call this week 8 of the Fall 2 session or week 16 of the fall semester. If you have any ideas, let me know).

A few notes for our current students

  • Please reach out if you need a makeup lesson: text Sally: (407) 205-7744

  • Do you want to talk about a change to your child’s lesson schedule? Yes! let’s please talk more: text Sally: (407) 205-7744

  • We start back on Friday, Jan 10th. See this calendar for more info:

More Therapy options coming soon

The following therapists are all remarkable individuals, all successful in their own private practices and all personally known by us. They are all aligned with our mission and love being around the animals. They love it so much they see clients here! Whether it is speech or counseling or occupational therapy, it all is better outside the 4 walls and immersed in nature. Each therapists handles their own client schedules. Contact info for each therapist is in the links below:

We are always trying to figure out how to offer programs and services to our community. If there is a service or program you would like to see us offer, please let us know.

More Soon

There is always so much more to tell you, but only one more thing for now…

Are you thinking about some end of year giving? Do you receive an employer match for your donations?

We host our programs to community groups like BoysTown, MaPLE22, Mephibo’s House, Central Florida Down Syndrome Foundation, Seminole County Public Schools and many more.

We are listed on all the sites for employer match donations:

and you can donate through our website too.

Cheyne Ranch is a 501(c)(3) and your donations may be tax deductible. Everything we do here at Cheyne Ranch is subsidized by donations. The more money we raise the more people we can help.


Peter Pan presented by the Orlando Ballet!


Sally’s Lesson Barn Recommendations